
Hang Out Day ♥

Yesterday i hang out with my Bao Bei them :D

we go 1st avenue..

me 12 something reach there d..very ps let my two bao bei wait ..>.<

when i reach i go popular find my Bao Bei Shirone..

we buy some revision book..after that

we go find another Bao Bei Yee Xuan..

but she already pak tok with her boyfriend d..


2.15pm we go watch MOVIE..the movie quite nice lo..

after the movie me and shirone go shopping lo..

Yee xuan and her boyfriend go pak tok lo..


we take very more picture :D

me at 1st Avenue cinemas :)

Me and Shirone Bao Bei  ♥

Me and Yee Xuan Bao Bei  ♥

Me and mine two Bao Bei  ♥

I love this dress so much :(

after shopping we all go KIM GARY having our lunch lo..

Shirone drink and mine drink lo..

Sweet Couple  ♥


Me and Shirone :D

Yeah !! :)

my two Bao Bei  ♥

I have A nice day with them lo..

I love today so much :)

